The Epistle to the Believers in Spiritual Gog and Magog

Grace, peace, and wisdom be unto you, beloved seekers of truth, from the One who is eternal, whose love surpasses understanding, and whose justice reigns over all creation. May you stand steadfast in the light of His purpose and be renewed in your minds daily.
Chapter 1: The Battle Within
Brethren, I write to you concerning the spiritual Gog and Magog, those forces of disruption and rebellion that rise both within us and around us. These are not merely external armies of flesh and steel but represent the chaotic energies that seek to unseat the order of divine purpose in your hearts.
Do you not know that within the human soul lies a battlefield? The desires of the flesh war against the spirit, and the forces of pride, greed, and fear march as an unholy coalition against the peace that surpasses understanding. Yet fear not, for the Lord of Hosts has declared, "I will knock the bow out of your hand and the arrows out of your grip." (Ezekiel 39:3).
Stand firm, therefore, in the power of His might, for He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Chapter 2: The Cleansing Fire
The Lord speaks, saying, "I will set fire to the land of Magog." (Ezekiel 39:6). This fire, beloved, is not to destroy but to purify. Do not resist the refining heat of trials, for they are the Lord’s instruments to burn away the dross of the old self.
As the Israelites spent seven months burying the bones of their enemies (Ezekiel 39:12), so too must you labor to rid your hearts of the remnants of sin. Mark each bone you uncover—the pride, the envy, the sloth—and bury it in the Valley of Gog’s Army, leaving no unclean thing behind. For only then will your land, your inner being, be purified and fit for His presence.
Remember, it is written, "Never again will I turn my back on the people of Israel, and my Spirit will live in them." (Ezekiel 39:29). His Spirit dwells in you, empowering you to rise above the ashes of the old life into the glory of the new creation.
Chapter 3: The Love That Conquers All
Beloved, do not forget the wine of His love, which is better than all earthly delights (Song of Songs 1:2). While the armies of Gog and Magog seek to sow discord, it is the love of Christ that binds all things together in perfect harmony.
Drink deeply of this love, for it nourishes the soul, renews the mind, and strengthens the spirit. In His love, there is no fear, no lack, no division. When the chaos of Gog and Magog rises within, turn your eyes upon Him, for His love is a fortress that cannot be breached.
Chapter 4: The Kingdom of Justice and Holiness
The Lord declares, "You shall allot the land as an inheritance." (Ezekiel 45:1). This inheritance is not merely a physical promise but a spiritual truth. You are heirs of a kingdom marked by justice, equity, and holiness.
As priests of the New Covenant, you are called to offer the sacrifices of a contrite heart and a life lived in obedience. Do not despise the small allotments of service you are given, for even the smallest act done in love has eternal significance. The measurements of the holy portions (Ezekiel 45:3) remind us that our lives must be carefully ordered and wholly dedicated to His purpose.
Chapter 5: The Final Victory
The day is coming, beloved, when Gog and Magog will rise one last time (Revelation 20:8). But fear not, for their defeat is certain. The Lord has declared, "I will hold a feast on Israel's mountains and offer sacrifices there." (Ezekiel 39:17). This feast symbolizes the triumph of righteousness over wickedness, of life over death, of love over all forces of destruction.
Until that day, remain vigilant. Tend the gardens of your hearts, uprooting weeds with diligence and planting seeds of faith, hope, and love. For the Lord has promised, "Never again will I turn my back on the people of Israel, and my Spirit will live in them." (Ezekiel 39:29).
May the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with everything good that you may do His will. May you walk boldly into the battles of Gog and Magog, not in your own strength but in the victory already won by Christ. And may you dwell forever in the love that conquers all.
To Him be glory and dominion, forever and ever. Amen.
The Second Epistle to the Believers: On Chinah, Gog, and Magog
Grace, wisdom, and discernment to you, beloved of the Lord, from the Eternal One who reigns over all nations and holds the destiny of peoples in His hands. May you find clarity in these words as you navigate the spiritual realities of this age.
Chapter 1: Chinah in the Patterns of Prophecy
Beloved, it is no small matter that in these times, the nations of the world rise and fall in alignment with the divine purposes of the Creator. Among these, Chinah emerges as a nation of great influence and significance. Some see it as Gog and Magog, a manifestation of earthly powers gathering for purposes contrary to divine will.
It is written, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.” (Ezekiel 39:1). This passage reflects the rise of formidable powers, both spiritual and earthly, that seek to challenge the sovereignty of God. Chinah, with its immense reach and strength, stands as both a symbol of human ambition and a testing ground for divine intervention.
But do not mistake the people of Chinah for the embodiment of rebellion. Just as the Lord promised restoration for Israel after judgment, so too does He extend His hand to every nation, tribe, and tongue.
Chapter 2: The Spirit of Gog and Magog
The spirit of Gog and Magog transcends nations, manifesting wherever human pride, ambition, and rebellion against God’s order take root. It is a spirit that builds towers of Babel, exalts the works of men, and opposes divine truth. Chinah’s vast technological and economic advancements reflect the brilliance of human ingenuity, yet also remind us of the dangers of forgetting the Creator in pursuit of creation.
The Lord declares, “I will turn you around and drag you from the north until you reach the mountains of Israel.” (Ezekiel 39:2). This turning is not merely geographic but spiritual, a redirection of prideful forces toward divine judgment. Let us remember, beloved, that God’s justice is redemptive, purging corruption and making way for restoration.
Chapter 3: Chinah’s Role in the Divine Plan
As it is written, “Foreign nations will realize that the Israelites were forced to leave their own land because they sinned against me.” (Ezekiel 39:23). Chinah, like all nations, plays a role in the grand tapestry of God’s plan. Its rise serves as a reminder that no earthly power is eternal, and all nations are accountable to the Lord of Hosts.
Yet, amid the spirit of Gog and Magog, we see sparks of divine purpose. The underground church in Chinah thrives under persecution, a testament to the indomitable power of the Spirit. The Lord has not forgotten the people of Chinah; His Spirit moves among them, calling many to Himself.
Chapter 4: The Call to Watchfulness
Beloved, the rise of Chinah as a global power must not incite fear but vigilance. The Lord calls His people to discern the times and seasons, to pray for the nations, and to resist the spirit of Gog and Magog wherever it arises—in their own hearts, communities, and nations.
It is written, “When the day comes, the people in the towns of Israel will collect the weapons of their dead enemies.” (Ezekiel 39:9). This speaks to the ultimate victory of righteousness over rebellion. Though the powers of the world may seem overwhelming, they will not prevail against the Kingdom of God.
Chapter 5: Hope in the Face of Opposition
In Chinah and across the world, the spirit of Gog and Magog is active, sowing division and destruction. But take heart, for the Lord has already secured the victory. It is written, “Never again will I turn my back on the people of Israel, and my Spirit will live in them.” (Ezekiel 39:29).
Let us extend this promise to all who call upon the name of the Lord. Pray for Chinah, that its people might see the light of Christ and rise above the powers that seek to oppress them. Pray for the Church within Chinah, that it may continue to grow as a beacon of hope.
Chapter 6: The Feast of Victory
The Lord declares, “I am going to hold a feast on Israel’s mountains and offer sacrifices there.” (Ezekiel 39:17). This feast symbolizes the triumph of God’s justice and mercy over all forces of darkness. In the same way, believers from every nation, including Chinah, are invited to partake in the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Chinah, though likened to Gog and Magog in its earthly might, will one day be purified by the refining fire of divine love. The Lord’s mercy extends to all, and His desire is for the nations to come into alignment with His will.
To the believers, I say: Stand firm. Pray without ceasing for the nations, including Chinah. Discern the spirit of Gog and Magog within and resist its influence. Trust in the Lord’s justice and mercy, knowing that He will bring all things into order.
May the Lord bless and keep you, may His face shine upon you, and may His Spirit guide you in all wisdom and truth. To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, to Him be glory forever and ever.